A depraved, violent dwarf... Harmless fun for fans of the bizarre.
9 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Thank you Something Weird Video! Thank you for rescuing this dirty little gem. The man who invented dwarfsploitation should be in Heaven. "The Sinful Dwarf" starts with some bizarre images and music and ends the same way. This movie is obviously extreme low budget but that's what makes it disturbing. Also, this is the perfect example of exploitation. Here, the dwarf does EVERYTHING. It's like a freak show turned into a Horror movie.

This Olaf. Our star. What a guy. He likes to stab teddy bears (oh but for criminal purposes), whack innocent girls , and even has time for a little voyeurism.

Our dirty little friend has a weird behavior that even makes their guests feel uncomfortable. His depraved smile makes him look more menacing. So does his accent (love the way he pronounces "finishes"). He and his alcoholic mother run a prostitution net, oh, and they consume and use heroin for criminal purposes... and that's all you need to know. Relax, sit down, and watch this movie with low expectations. You might feel amused. It's like going to a depraved circus.

One of the best features of the movie is the fact that Olaf is creepy. Not because of his physical features, but because of his behavior. He's an effective villain.

Also, the steamy sex scene between the main couple deserves especial mention. It's pretty good and damn long. The blonde woman is very hot and has some acting skills.

I won't get into details of the movie because it obviously does not follow strictly a plot. The producers thought that it was enough to show a dwarf drugging and torturing woman. What else do you need? The movie is poorly directed, written, and acted. But I guess that those elements make it a delight to watch for fans of the bizarre. The movie is creepy itself because of the weirdness of the events. The gore is minimal but works for the movie's purpose. The movie is boring at some points because it goes nowhere; there are scenes of tortured girls followed immediately by scenes of Olaf just hanging around, then scenes with his mother talking crap, and then the couple having breakfast... a little continuity wouldn't harm. We even get two really bizarre musical acts where Olaf plays the piano and his mother sings. Damn weirdness. But I gotta admit that the mother is a hell of a good dancer. I can say that this movie will not please any Horror fan as there isn't an interesting plot or the scare factor is absent.

"The Sinful Dwarf" is a piece of bizarre film making for fans of exploitation in all aspects. The best way to describe the movie is where Olaf and his mother tie and struggle with the main female character while an obviously intoxicated victim watches in awe and fun, with horrible 70's music on the background. That scene sums all the movie.

The ending left a lot to desire. They could at least used a more believable dummy to throw from the window. Still, we get a happy ending. Do yourself a favor and get this movie. It won't let you down. Olaf is a great entertainer.
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