Severe Injuries is a Laugh Riot
26 June 2006
I look at the negative posts on this site for the film Sever Injuries and have to wonder what these people were thinking. Okay, sure there's no nudity in it, but that's okay. The jokes are good, the laughs are aplenty and the women come in all shapes and sizes instead of the Hollywood cookie cutter syndrome. Not all men like the exact same woman, get with it people. Plus, my favorite, stand out moment was the parody of Scream where the guy explains how to survive a chick flick. Debbie Rochon came across as a psycho madwoman which was pretty funny. The idea of a serial killer who comes from a long line of wanna be serial killers is pretty funny as well. And for the one person who said there was no gore in the flick. Did you actually watch it. There's a huge, well done aftermath of a slaughter sequence at the end of the film which pays homage to most slasher flicks that used the same device in hundreds of films. Peopl who have no tolerance for micro budget film making really deserve the mountain of dreck that Hollywood foists upon them year after year. Severe Injuries is a great addition to the horror comedy genre.
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