Superman Returns very good, but in the end, not SUPER.
29 June 2006
I went into Superman Returns trying to keep low expectations, but I wanted to get excited. I had heard some of the plot lines (which I will NOT reveal here), and was mostly unimpressed, but thought Singer worked it out, although not spectacularly. I was not even that impressed by the effects. I was put off right away even by the opening credits, which felt a bit cheesy to me. The pace was very slow, and even so, the movie lacked depth in some areas that I feel were missed opportunities.

There are opportunities to hear what is on Superman's mind, and he is basically reduced to one line of dialog. I think that is what is really missing here - there was no depth in the dialog for Superman. Lois has a bit, but it's not enough. Lex steals the show speaking wise (why not when you have Kevin Spacey), but in the end, I found this long plodding movie somehow lacking.
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