What an honor to the memory of Chrisopher Reeve's Superman
1 July 2006
I had originally seen the trailers for Superman Returns, and like any person who saw a man fly for the first time in the original "Superman" movie, I was actually rather outraged to see that they would even try to make a new Superman movie now that Christopher Reeves (may he rest in peace) was gone. But, my love for comics over-threw the idea to not see the movie. So, on opening day, I was there, as skeptical as can be. And as soon as the opening credits rolled, I knew that they were honoring Christoper Reeve's Superman. And a smile spread across my face. Then I saw how the new Superman acted as both Clark Kent and Superman, and the smile became wider. They really did do the right thing, not just in the fact that they made a new movie to continue the series (and make no mistake, this is not like Batman Begins, where they remake a series. Superman RETURNS is when Superman... RETURNS...) but they also made the right choice when they chose the actors for the movie. Not just the actor Brandon Routh, who does an amazing job not just mimicking Mr. Reeve's rendition of Clark Kent/Superman, but also by adding his own edge and charm to the character. And as for the Kevin Spacey/Lex Luthor, he was absolutely brilliant. I was worried that, like Chris Reeves, nobody could play Lex like Gene Hackman, but I was wrong. Kevin Spacey pulls yet another great movie off with his spectacular rendition of the villain who is as ruthless as he is hair-less. I thank Bryan Singer for once again an amazing flick that didn't screw up any of the legend and glory of the original comic.

For those of your wondering... Superman truly has returned.
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