It's true: You NEED to see this
9 July 2006
I gave the movie only a 9 out of 10 because from a cinematic viewpoint, well, there is no editing or production value. This is truly a "film" of long segments of people sharing difficult concepts. Because of this, there is quite a strain on the viewer due to the sheer amount of information and lack of pauses for the viewer to really take the information in.

However, the point is made; the point (as far as I'm concerned) being: Westerners need to take a good, hard look at what the Q'ran/Koran really says. According to what is presented by those interviewed and verses from the Koran, Islam is not a religion of peace, but of world domination - no matter the costs of other's or personal survival.

This film brings to light a huge difference that I was not aware of between the western view of religion and the reality that Islam goes beyond our belief that faith is a personal choice and a private matter to something that is much more far reaching.

For me, I am still convinced that just as many (most?) Christians don't truly KNOW the Bible and pick and choose from it to make it more palatable, many Muslims do the same with the Koran. Which, ultimately, is what leads to most all religions having people at both ends of the spectrum with struggles within and without of their belief system, respectively.

Not matter what you believe, religiously or politically, this film has information that is important to be aware of.
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