Bratz Rock Angelz (2005 Video Game)
airheads attempt to make a magazine, a band, and unfortunately, end up succeeding. stupid, unrealistic, airhead-ish.
17 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK, well, this is the kind of movie that turns little kids into teenage playboy wannabes. This movie was offensive, stereotypical, and flat out stupid and unrealistic. In the beginning, the "Bratz" airheads are washing their car. OK, well, if they're famous and rich, then wouldn't it be a bit more realistic if they were paying someone else to wash their car? Second, they randomly pull out guitars and start playing a song. First of all, you need speakers and acoustics in order to play a song and make it sound good and professional, which they don't have. Second, where the heck did the guitars come from?! Their pockets?!! Third is when they're at the mall and the guys show up. Since when do guys where lipstick? And also, none of them are wearing helmets. Of course, that's not a bad thing, but it shows little kids that to be cool and to look good, don't listen to safety precautions!!! And the twins gig is even dumber. OK, so one of them has a nose job. What kind of kid even knows what that is? Also, what message is it sending out? Then there's Jade working at a magazine place. OK. Well, if the boss hated her so much in the beginning, wouldn't it have been a bit more realistic if she just fired her right then and there? And so what if a hamburger has carbs and makes you fat? There's another negative message being sent out to little kids! Finally, is when the "Bratz" are making an office. Last I checked, teenagers weren't that rich. In fact, making their own magazine would be a lot harder than just saying, "Oh, girlfriends, let's make our own magazine!" Also, the paint job is professional looking and there are no paint drips on the carpeting. And, even more unrealistic, they make a nice preppy office in like, two hours. In real life, it usually takes a couple months. Then there's when they're flying to London. OK, well 1) Parents would never let a bunch of teens fly that distance unchaperoned and 2) One of the "Bratz" starts saying that flying to London for a concert is loads funner than sitting around a campfire singing songs on a camping trip. Well, I don't know about you, but camping is awesome. In fact, it's loads funner than flying on a plane with a bunch of brainless, stupid, idiotic, brainless, stupid teenagers. Then is when they have to make a band in order to get into the concert. Well, first of all, no teen would be able to afford a bunch of instruments. Second of all, they put shopping for band clothes before getting the instruments and writing a song. Third, they write a song in, like, half an hour, and also play like a professional band in that time as well. Fourth, at the concert, the guards just let them in, no questions asked. Fifth, the logo for their band (also named, coincidentally, "Bratz") is already up and made when they arrive. Sixth, the only instruments in the band are electric guitars, but when the airheads start playing, you can hear other instruments, such as drums and accordion. Pretty moronic, eh? Also, some miscellaneous goofs: All of the brats are shaped the same. They have a two inch torso, gargantuan boobs, big butt, longish legs, hair that reaches their knees, fish lips, big eyes with makeup, the same eyebrows and eyelashes. Also, all are stick thin. Another bad message. This movie was bad, and more of a how-to-turn-your-kid-into-a- slut than something for entertainment. It fails on all levels there are on the topic of movies.
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