Time Flies (1944)
Time Flies was a very funny motion picture I enjoyed immensely!
25 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
TIME FLIES was a really nice motion picture that was able to combine comedy, drama, musical, and science fiction all into one seamlessly. It was plausible that a "Time Machine" of a spherical ball would be the most logical way to travel trough time to the time of William Shakespeare and Queen Elizabeth I. The people who took the trip back in time fit right in with their stage and musical talent. One quaint scene was when "The Bard" (Will Shakespeare) was trying to complete a scene and the leading lady gave him the words he was fumbling with. A capital scene was when the gambler among the crew taught the "Virgin Queen" how to win with the old pea in a empty walnut shell half, the "Shell Game," and later they smuggle a motion picture camera and film into a jail cell and flash it on the wall frightening the guards who had never seen such "silver screen" images on the wall of the cell. It does help them effect their freedom and they escape into the time machine sphere, but it is hauled in on a horse-drawn wagon to be set afire and of course the skill of the gambler tricks the assembled mob waiting to see the auto-de-fey! Those who had not been able to get back into the time machine do so in the ensuing confusion and they make their way to the late 1930s or early 1940s. All in all, it is a charming film worth a second and third look see! Sarge Booker of Tujunga, California
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