Pumpkinhead (1988)
Sadly overlooked!
27 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Pumpkinhead, also known as Vengeance of the Demon, is based upon characters from American folklore and classic allegory, adding to its potent-unyielding terror. It is one of those rare horror films that does more than merely provide an assortment of sadistic death sequences for shock value, as so many others do in this genre, but being all that they're good for. It not only features tremendous special effects by Oscar-winner Stan Winston that center upon the most ideal monster, and performances that are beyond exceptional (most notably by our leading man, Lance Henriksen, who I think, despite of his appearance in much more highly budgeted theatrical films, delivered his finest performance in this one); in addition, it has an extraordinary intellectual and well-written, riveting plot line that make this one of the most beloved horror films of all time, with a growing fan cult following despite it being released over ten years ago.

This grim, highly evocative and compelling picture, which was critically-praised as being "stylish and atmospheric," will have you frozen with fear until the very last moment! As you watch this impassive and vicious creature with ghastly appearance that can't possibly get anymore authentic than they already are, in pursue of its victims in whom it could once again take pleasure of dragging its massive claws all throughout as it previously has following several other resurrections, there is no doubt that your jaws wouldn't have dropped and eyes wouldn't have practically hung out of their sockets; it really is likely that blinking is something you may forget to do here. And it's even the littlest things that make this film so momentous, such as, prior to the demon's awakening, the part of the film where Ed Harley, emotionally-driven, attempts to journey up to the mountains where an actual witch is believed to live yet feared by all, who do not dare to enter her grounds, for they are aware of the evil force that lies within her and her abilities to turn lives of the innocence upside-down. Having ended his journey after a little help from a curious local boy who, however, did not come along for the entire ride as surroundings began to modify into a menacing gloom, Harley steps inside an old, roach-infested cottage holding his lifeless son, and ultimately comes face-to-face with evil itself. While the witch performed upon her rituals in aim of fulfilling this man's desires, she actually makes it feel real. She truly makes you forget that you're even watching a movie. Never before have I been so affected. The acting and the direction was outstanding! If you're a horror fanatic as myself am, I would urge you to see this one.
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