Quinceañera (2006)
Austin Movie Show review -- real and brilliant
27 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Ah, the Quinceanera. It's the Hispanic female equivalent of the Bar Mitzvah. In Anglo-American culture, only the middle and upper class girls have Sweet 16 parties, but a Quinceanera is almost a moral imperative for a 15-year-old Hispanic girl, no matter what her socio-economic background. It's true that a family with very little money will rent a Hummer Limo for their daughter's Quinceanera, even if it means missing an electricity bill. Some Quinceaneras cost as much as a wedding.

Quinceanera, the film, however, is about so much more than a simple birthday party. When Magdalena (Emily Rios) can't fit into her Quinceanera dress, everyone assumes she's pregnant, even though she's a virgin. Her mother forces her to take a pregnancy dress, and low-and-behold, she is pregnant. Simply fooling around with her boyfriend and his magic sperm was enough to impregnate her.

As a virgin on birth control who never wants kids, this scared the crap out of me!!! But back to the movie. Quinceanera is a story about culture, family, and forgiveness, but there's also an interesting and subtle storyline about history and real estate. Magdalena's great uncle lived in the same house in ghetto Los Angeles for decades, but now that the property and the neighborhood have become hip and trendy in the eyes of rich white people, now he can't afford to stay there. It's just like all the L.A. people moving to Austin and buying up Austin real estate, making it impossible for the poor Austin artist to live in 78704 anymore. I can relate to this film on so many levels!!! But even if you're not familiar with this culture and you can't relate to it, these characters, this script, and this story will pull you in and bring you into this world. Everything in Quinceanera is beyond believable. It's life.
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