Great fun!
30 August 2006
Some movies we like because the players fully inhabit their roles and thereby draw us into a well-crafted story articulately photographed, creatively edited and cleverly directing. Such films bewitch us so completely that we are startled by the deep contrasts between the reality we live in and the deepest realization that there are other embodied worlds all about us. They become portals, however temporary, to new and mysterious realms of being.

Other films, like "The Big Bounce" and lots and lots and lots of fun! You like to have fun, don't you? Sure you do!

Unlike the sourpuss who wrote the first comment on this flick (*please lighten up!*), I was put into a very good mood indeed by the sheer silliness of it all. Think of it as being at a great party with your favorite people all around you, having a great time. If you're not an Owen Wilson fan, then you shouldn't watch this movie. You should go play chess with death or something, or watch that baby carriage bounce down the Odessa Steps again and again. The rest of us are having too much fun yakking at Wilson's perverse line delivery. I could watch Morgan Freeman go through a tax audit and have a great time. Gary Sinese isn't as sinister as usual - he's in Hawaii, man - why should he be? Charlie Sheen actually looks dorky here for a change, and I haven't seen Harry Dean Stanton in years, glad to know he's still around.

I had no idea who played the alkey rich wife till I saw the credits and fell head-over-heels in love with Bebe Neuwirth again. I hope Sara Foster does more movies - normally bimbos are interchangeable but her version is so seductively bad for you you you *still* would do it all over again. No mean looks, no leather pants or whips (again, it's Hawaii) - she's fun, which is why people fall for people that are bad for them - they provide the near occasion of more fun then you generally get to have.

Anybody else? Oh yeah, hi Willie, good to see you again, glad you didn't sing.

And #9 has the best sh*t-eating grin on the planet.

But I better close this off, Death and that guy playing chess over there are giving me dirty looks.

Watch "The Big Bounce" and have some good laughs.
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