Review of Help

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Help (2002)
Season 7, Episode 4
I just don't get this episode
6 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get the point of this episode. Aside from the First bringing Cassie's "ghost" back in "Conversations With Dead People," it seems like "Help" is just a complete waste of time. It doesn't really have a point in the over all story arc or any significance as a monster-of the-week. I guess it's suppose to show Buffy that some things are beyond the Slayer's control, but haven't we already established that far more dramatically when she couldn't stop Joyce's death back in season five's "The Body?" At this point, there are only 18 episodes left of the show and I don't understand why we're focusing on this strange new girl's problems, instead of following that characters who I actually care about. Basically, if you're in a hurry to get through season seven, you could skip "Help" and not really miss anything.

"Help" revolves around Buffy's new job as a councilor at Sunnydale High. She meets with all the troubled kids and tries to gives them advice. When a girl named Cassie comes to see her, though, Buffy is at a loss. Cassie says that she will die on Friday and that nothing can change it. At first, Buffy thinks that Cassie is suicidal. But Cassie explains that she can sometimes just "feel" stuff. She knows when certain things will happen and she can sense that her death is coming. There will be coins involved somehow and she will die. Buffy refuses to accept that. She and the Scoobies set to work trying to save Cassie.

Dawn follows Cassie around, befriending her. Willow "Goggles" Cassie poetry. Xander and Buffy confront her alcoholic father. When Friday comes and they still don't have a solution, Buffy goes to Spike for help. He's completely out of it. Hitting his own face, blaming himself for trying to rape Buffy back in season six's "Seeing Red." Buffy makes him stop and tries to make him understand that she needs help, but he doesn't seem to hear her. Buffy goes back upstairs and sees coins falling out of a boy's locker. Confronting him, she learns that he and his friends are planning to sacrifice Cassie to a demon in exchange for untold riches. Buffy stops their ritual in time to save Cassie but the demon has already been called. Spike arrives just in time to help her defeat it. As Buffy leads Cassie out of the room, though. The girl falls over dead of a heart condition.

There are some good parts to this episode. I'm glad that Spike finally came out of the basement to help Buffy fight those robed demon worshiping guys. He just keeps punching that one kid, even though his chip is going off. So, I guess Dru was right and Spike really could ignore the electric brain shocks if he tried hard enough. And I like that Cassie looks up at him as he unties her and says that "One day she'll tell you." I guess she's talking about Buffy finally declaring her love in "Chosen," but it really could mean anything and I like coming up with alternate theories. Also, I'm glad that the Scoobies investigate Cassie together. Willow, Xander and Buffy are the heart of the show and they don't have enough scenes together this season. Finally, I think it's great (in a sad way and all) that Cassie died. And, of a heart condition no less. It's just a cool ending to the episode.

I think the title "Help" refers to more than just the Scoobies trying to help Cassie. This episode has a lot of people helping each other and being helped in return. Willow and Xander help Buffy, which helps to bring them all closer. Helping Cassie, helps Dawn learn something about friendship and strength. Spike fights through his madness to help Buffy battle the demon cult. And Buffy tries to help Spike, making him stop punishing himself for trying to rape her. Buffy tries to help all the students at Sunnydale High as a councilor, especially Cassie. And Cassie, in the end, helps Buffy see that there are somethings even bigger than the Slayer. Really everyone in this episode is the recipient and giver of help.

On the down side, if I got to add a two second scene to any BTVS episode, "Help" would be it. As the Scoobies search the internet for Cassie's poem, they should have inadvertently found a reference to William/Spike's poetry. All they had to do is have Xander say, "Oh, here's something. But, wait this poem looks really old. Geez, what does 'effulgent' mean?" Then Buffy could answer, "Gleaming." Viola! A whole new reference to a past BTVS episode and a neat little tie in with history. I'd love that.

My favorite part of the episode: Willow claiming that all teenagers post angst-y love poems and Doogie Howiser fan-fic on the internet. Buffy and Xander just stare at her and Willow quickly refocuses on her research. It's really a cute, retro-Scoobie moment.
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