Angel: Sanctuary (2000)
Season 1, Episode 19
My favorite Faith episode
20 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is the episode that redeems Faith and solidifies her relationship with Angel. After this episode, she'll always be played as a White Hat and her primary loyalty will always rest with Angel. Angel and Faith have one of the most interesting friendships in the Buffyverse. They both see their own darkness and weaknesses reflected in the other. Angel identifies with Faith's self-hatred and desire to be a better person. Faith trusts Angel and sees him as a ally in her battle for redemption. Angel offers her support and safety. And, in return, Faith will eventually offer him another chance at life. "Sanctuary" is an great episode, that wraps up this chapter of Faith's story line, brings Buffy back to LA and sets up parts of season four. You shouldn't miss it.

"Sanctuary" picks up right where "Five By Five" left off. Basically, Faith has had a complete break down. Unable to convince Angel to kill her, she's just given up fighting. Angel takes her back to his house and promises that she'll be safe. He tucks her into his bed and Faith finally falls asleep. Wes and Cordy are pretty mad when they learn that Angel has taken Faith in. They refuse to stay in the office. Lila, Lindsey and Lee are equally annoyed. Faith was suppose to kill Angel, not bond with him. They hire another assassin to go after Faith. The police continue to search for Faith. Kate has gotten involved in the case, adding to her growing "X-Files" reputation within the department.

Meanwhile, the Watcher's Councils goons approach Wes. They promise to get Wesley his job back if he helps them capture Faith. Wes agrees, if they promise not to harm Angel. Back at Angel's house. Faith is opening up to Angel, talking about all the horrible things that she's done and asking for his help. Angel agrees to help her. When Faith accidentally mentions that Buffy has a new boyfriend, Angel is hurt. The second assassin attacks and Faith kills it. But, the sight of blood brings back all the memories of the people she's killed and she starts to panic. Angel pulls her into his arms to comfort her and then Buffy walks in.

Buffy is furious to see Angel with Faith. She feels betrayed. When Angel protects Faith, standing between Faith and Buffy, Buffy looses her temper. Faith goes up stairs while Angel and Buffy argue. Buffy hits him and Angel hits her back. Buffy is shocked that he would punch her. Angel is pretty shocked himself. Then Wes arrives with the news that the Watcher's Council goons are coming. He's double crossed them, because he trusts Angel to know what he's doing with Faith. Meanwhile, Lindsey goes to Kate with the news that Faith is staying with Angel. During the fight with the Watcher's Council goons, Faith runs off. Kate then arrests Angel. She's threatening to put him in a nice sunny cell, unless he tells her where Faith is. Angel refuses. When they get to the police station, though, Faith has already turned herself in. Buffy and Angel get into another argument and she leaves town in furious at him.

There are some really great parts to this episode. I love Wes, angrily telling off Angel and stomping out of the office when he learns that Faith is staying there. (Cordy writes out some "paid vacation" checks for herself and follows him out the door.) Still, when it comes down to the line, Wes won't turn on Angel. Wesley doesn't want to go back to the Council, because he's found a new life for himself in LA and a job perfectly suited to his training and talents. (Notice, he's drinking an American beer while the other men have the darker British kind.) For all intents and purposes, Wes has become Angel's Watcher and he belongs in LA, now. Also, it's really funny watching Lindsey, Lila and Lee plot. They can't believe that Faith is now Angels' house guest. They want to get rid of her once and for all. They hire a demon to kill Faith, but that doesn't work either. "The first assassin killed the second assassin, who was suppose to kill the first assassin, who didn't kill anyone until we hired the second assassin to kill the first assassin." They're so frustrated that I almost feel sorry for them. Also, I think that "Sanctuary" is Faith's most sympathetic episode. She's so lost and broken as she huddles in Angel's bed. When she quietly asks him for help, it just breaks your heart. No wonder Angel protects her from Buffy. I still haven't completely forgiven Faith for hurting Wes, but even I want to Buffy to leave her alone.

On the down side, I do think that Angel could have been a little more considerate of Wes and Cordy's feelings. Of course, they don't want Faith staying there. Also, this is the last time that Buffy will appear on "Angel" (No, I'm not counting season five's, "The Girl in Question") so it's a shame that she and Angel ended the episode on such a bad note. He'll go to Sunnydale to mend fences in BTVS season four's "The Yoko Factor," but it's just not the same.

My favorite part of the episode: Buffy walking down the steps and finding Faith hugging Angel. It's got this great, "Uh-oh" quality that makes me smile every time.
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