Budget Terrorism
3 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
contains spoilers. Fantastic example of low budget film making. The finished product looked up and above the money spent. The tight camera work compensated for the reality of 'unpaid' extras and a limited choice in location. The crisp, digital sound design increased the tension in a film that isn't driven by dialogue. The subject of a suicide bomber after you take her nationality, religion and background out of the equation is more perplexing. You have to look at the phenomena that is blowing oneself up, along with a whole lot of other people, as purely the insane act it is. The trade off is believability in the character without some sort of motivation from her past as to why she would commit such a heinous act. The actress was good in the whole. You knew what she was planning fairly early on so she had a long way to carry it. I just didn't buy it. Worth a look though, for the backpack specialist and his assistant/translator and also the mouthful of noodles.
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