Supernatural: Everybody Loves a Clown (2006)
Season 2, Episode 2
Poor Impala...
7 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The scare of the week: a rather disturbing clown that eats little kids' parents. As usual, the creature comes from a real myth and a pretty good one too for a horror series. Very nicely filmed and edited, the soundtrack was as amazing as it always is (especially the song used in the recap – that worked just so damn well) and as usual, they investigate the phenomenon giving it some good and unexpected twists and finally they kill the bad guy. The only thing that bothered me about this episode is that with such a freaky monster, it could have been far more scary and disturbing than it ended up being. Apart from that, it was simply a wonderful episode in my opinion.

I had heard there would be new hunters joining the boys this season and I was scared this awesome series would be ruined by your typical cheesy characters (especially because one of them happens to be a pretty girl). However, I was pleasantly surprised. The acting was great from all three actors joining the show and their characters are good and surprisingly realistic too.

I noticed the dialogue has been made more believable between the brothers and it's making their relationship even more convincing than it used to be. Jensen Ackles is great as usual – even better in this episode, I'd say – and Jared Padalecki has improved so much that it really makes watching this episode about ten times more gratifying.

I especially like this episode for the development in characterization. The brothers are still very much the Dean and Sam we know, but we get a fresh approach at them in this new season, - triggered mainly by their father's death – allowing us to get to know these fascinating characters better. Dean is definitely having some trouble keeping everything on the inside as he used to do, although he's trying so hard it's painful to watch (in a VERY good way). The scene where he pretty much destroys his precious Impala is just priceless and incredibly shocking, as it is the first time we see him snap completely. Sam's wishes to do what John would have wanted him to do was a surprising turn as well and I think it's really working for the narrative of this series. This new approach is a pretty good idea for a series I think, because then it doesn't get repetitive as I reckon happened with "Desperate Housewives." Very good and original first season, but after that it lost a lot of strength and I think that's partly because the narrative just didn't change. Yes, the plot developed, but everything else stayed the same. Supernatural, I'm happy to say, starts its second season from a new perspective.

Overall, I'm giving it a 10 out of 10 anyway because it was just so freaking good. Dean losing it with the poor Impala makes up for the lack of jumpy and freakish moments completely.
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