Review of The Departed

The Departed (2006)
I beg you all to see the original version from HK
8 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I beg you all, especially those who vote > 8, please view the trilogy of "infernal Affair" (Wu Jian Dao) from HK before doing any judgment on anyone in Departed.

I personally favorite staff in the movie, Jack, Matt, Leo, Martin. I have to say all actors are the best, also, the script. Director, i am so disappointed.

The story and even most charming details are borrowed from the original version(the first installation of the trilogy, if you are interested, the following two are also the most excellent movies in HK movie history), however, Martin turned me down finally.

No discussion on the reasons why the two mouse come to be themselves, (it has been a long way why they "departed"), please do not use only F-word to attract us, please don't regard everyone of us as fool. Matt is kind of no-brain to get all the info to Leo when they finally meet at the police office, and then became just a cold blood killer(still no-brain) to delete his files. is that make any sense, they looks like idiots there? Music is nice, but still a long way to the old one, which is much compatible to the atmosphere(which is also missing in this cut).

And finally, the end is disappointed. where in the HK version, it is most exciting and moving 10 minutes during last 10 years. thanks!
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