Space Mutiny (1988)
Watch this movie!
27 October 2006
Never have I laughed this hard. Space Mutiny is one of the single most horrible movies I have ever seen.

Fans of MST3K will know what I mean when I say it compares to Manos: Hands of Fate in bad acting, and Zombie Nightmare in horrible script.

The "space age" motif with the clothing and 80's club scenes are great, and more then once I felt like as though I were stuck in simultaneous pain/hilarity.

One of the best parts about it was the pointless nature to the scenes with the alien women, in which they dance around in leotards and veils with globes bought frequently in ever souvenir shop since 1986.

A must see for any fans of bad cinema...I give this movie 10 stars and slap in the face to the writers.
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