Silver Fang (1986)
One of the best
8 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
After watching re-runs of Inyusha, Wolf's rain, and Dragon Ball Z you start to get bored...the sad thing is these series only premier in Japan and mostly all Scandianvian counties. I myself had to download episodes off of Youtube and was taken back by how brilliant and great the show was. It is a very underrated show. Silver Fang (GNG) is about a bear dog by the name of Gin and his journey, along with some other dogs from across Japan, to take down an evil big ass bear that has been killing innocent people and animals. Though this may seem like a bore storyline it is not. It has heart and is unlike a lot of other Animes. It is exciting and will make you want to watch a lot more. Though I most get out of my system the only thing that I disliked about the show was the very poor animation. But none the less, it was not the art that mattered, it was the story and the animation is SOMEWHAT decent enough. Not very though. If you love Wolf's rain you will love this show, definitely. And after you finish this series you will be even more happy to find out there is a squeal to the series entitled, "Silver Fang Legend Weed," or something like that. (GDW) Also very good, I liked it more actually. Even though the characters from the original one somewhat get ruined..... When you spot it on...just sit and watch the tube.
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