Review of Mámi

Mámi (1937)
The peasant relatives from Texas show up.
27 December 2006
Based on a play by Reszo Torok, this film played in the U.S. in February, 1939 at NYC's Modern Playhouse Theater with Hugarian dialogue and no English titles.

Jeno Torzs is a wealthy invalid on his deathbed but, when relatives start gathering like vultures, he decides to spite them and get well. In the midst of the celebration Sari Fedak and her son, played by Jeno Pataky, arrive from Texas, and upset the goings-on with their strange manner...including, one presumes, speaking Hungarian with a Texas accent.

Since Pataky is his nephew, Torzs welcomes them as additions to the family and has a marriage arranged for Pataky. But the real romance starts when Lia Szepes is hired to instruct Pataky in the manners---we don't say "howdy, y'all"---and customs of the country.
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