True story of one woman resistance fighter during WWII France
21 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Nancy Wake was a young New Zealand woman who traveled to France pre WW11,met and married a wealthy French businessman and lived a life of luxury until the war. She decided to stay on even though her husband was probably a marked man and if fact was captured tortured and finally executed. She started passively as an observer but progressed to a highly active leader of the Marquis and became the most wanted woman by the Germans that there was a price on her head. She was held in great respect by her fellow fighters and could foot it with the best of them some times doing things the the men couldn't bring themselves to do eg. executing a female informer to the Germans. I intend to read the book if I can find a copy as it is not just the things that she admits to but the unspoken that show her be a remarkable woman and makes her the most decorated woman of WWII allies. If they made made a feature movie of her then some may not believe it
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