Just a MESS!
14 January 2007
This film had so many basic movie 101 flaws; it was just a mess. The premise of the genius teenage son who locks himself into the bathroom, (surrounded by family, friends, and neighbors who are by no means helpful) seems to be a good enough start. And certainly with the talented cast involved, I thought for sure this movie couldn't go wrong. However, with a very inconsistent narrative style (voice overs from multiple characters that drop in randomly, serving no purpose other than to cover story gaps), the ever switching p.o.v. (who's story was this? Mom's? Son's?) and the confounding love-like-hate relationship with Mom and Son (are we suppose to sympathize with them, hate them, laugh at them, love them, like them?), this movie elicited nothing from me other than confusion, and the question, "What was I supposed to get from this?"
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