Supernova (I) (2000)
7 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Despite everything (the irritating low-level lighting; the flashing lights that make this unsuitable for epileptic viewers; the undeveloped ideas), I like this film a lot.

There are some good lines. I also like James Spader in it. I think it's interesting that I find him almost as attractive in this as I do in "Stargate" even though his character is much more assertive and has much shorter hair. Hmmm. Maybe I have more than one "type" after all ...

However, there are some questions which remain unanswered.

Was Nick really likely to turn Benji in to the authorities, or was Sweetie merely using reverse psychology (thus making Nick feel the need to prove his loyalty to his colleague) in order to be 100% sure of protecting Benji?

Would it not have been better if we had been kept in suspense for longer regarding whether or not Nick was one of the "good guys"?

Why were there not more DSUs for injured people?

Why did the captain decide it was worth the risk jumping?

Is Sweetie programmed to respect human life or not? Her behaviour towards Danika and Yerzy seems ... careless to say the least. She seems to have more inconsistencies than a "pro-life" politician calling for the return of capital punishment!

The eye thing at the end would make more sense if Spader had had really blue eyes throughout. On the other hand, it might be that Kaela and Nick were each carrying a recessive blue eyed gene ...

Is it just me, or is Flyboy a rather camp robot?

Did Karl literally make Kaela infertile or was she merely banned from having a child because of her association with him?

Why do Kaela and Danika both have short hair? Is this just a random coincidence or is it a sign that they come from a society where everyone is seen in a very androgynous gender-neutral way?

I'm sure I'll think up more questions the moment I've submitted this. Finally, I want to say that I love the ending. I'm so pleased Nick took the news so well. I'm glad he didn't jump up and call Kaela a sperm bandit!
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