Short semi-musical comedy about the Jewish/Palestinian crisis
20 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie left me feeling as if I'd tasted something more than a bit spoiled. It was puerile, a circumstance which may be explained by the fact that it was part of a masters' project in a California film school.

Quel surprise that the Hollywood pack would pick this movie over any of the others, all of which were foreign. I waited for the credits with curiosity to see if there were many Muslim participants in its planning and execution. There weren't.

My own feelings about the Jewish/Palestinian question are very conflicted. Overall, however, I know it is serious and I wonder if many Palestinians (or, for that matter, thoughtful Israelis, especially those whose sons are being carried home in body bags) would find this an amusing movie .

It was as if the film's makers chose to do a musical comedy featuring a seriously disabled person, using that individual's problems as pratfalls for cheap laughs. It was in excruciatingly poor taste and very juvenile. But the old Hollywood trade association was true to form--parochial and gross in its tastes.
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