Movie should be seen on the big screen
7 April 2007
I saw "Brother of the Wind" at my childhood theater, the Lincoln, in 1973 when I was 7 years old. It was a fantastic movie and like many of the other writers, I remembered the beautiful theme song through the years. A long time ago, when I was still in my 20s, I videotaped the movie from television. I believe it was playing on WGN out of Chicago (or possibly TBS). Some movies translate better than others from the large screen to the small screen, but to be truly appreciated, I think this movie needs to be seen in a theater with a good sound system. The scenery is magnificent and the music is unforgettable. Immediately, the viewer is drawn into the story when, for some unknown reason, a mother wolf is shot from a low-flying aircraft. What will happen to the cubs? As the story unfolds, we experience the plight of the cubs with them. Families with children will love this film.
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