Berserk (1997– )
"Bold and the beautiful" placed in a medieval-anime setting
15 April 2007
OK, time to kill some of the hype here. I'm not doing this solely for the purpose of sabotaging the high ranking, but i think people should have a look at the other side of the coin before potentially going out and buying this series and end up disappointed. I will never understand what it is that makes people so satisfied about berserk, since it gives you next to nothing to work with, but i can live with that. I'm sure there must be others like me out there who would like to be warned before plunging into hours of nonsense.

I gave up on it almost from the start, but kept it going by saying to myself that next episode, it was surely gonna take off! No chance. There are occasional bursts of action here and there, but i think the main reason that they are good is because the rest of the series is for about 90% inactivity - imagine one long tea party of pocket philosophies, completely irrational and sometimes bizarrely rejective behavior(even by Japanese standards), not even hints or traces of some underlying mythologies throughout the story, and just no reason to like the characters at all. The animation isn't something to write home about either, except in very few places. Most episodes are boring all the way through, the characters just drag on and on, talking nonsense with no purpose in life. I cant believe i kept on buying into the argument that "The series really gets better and better the further you get into it". Its just not true.

There also exists a lot of hype about the turn of events berserk takes towards the end (dont worry i wont reveal anything). That was indeed also what kept my curiosity going from the start and eventually got me all the way through. Actually, there isn't really anything you could spoil about the whole series besides telling in details about this, thats the amount of story that we're dealing with here. So if you, like me, have been told great tales about it, i suggest that you kill that thought right away. Its NOT worth watching 20+ episodes for.

And oh has taken me about a ½ year to watch this to the end! I just crammed the last 5 eps, and I'm so glad its finally out of my life. What a complete waste of time, its been much more fun to write this review even

I've given this a 2 out of 10 because it has its few good moments - mostly its due to nice battle scenes, even though they are scarce. Besides that, its a real pain. Go watch your granny knitting stockings instead, there's a good chance you might get more exited
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