Ordinary Man (2005)
tragic shocker with a weird happy ending
24 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The winner of the Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival of 2006 starts of on the highway, with a nervous pursuit of a couple by a man in a Mercedes car. The ending takes place in the snowy valleys of Belgium, and reminded me of Fargo. You'll learn to love this nervous abductor. The surprise ending is fabulous, and even a bit funny. But there are several realistic shocking scenes. The dreary atmosphere of the Wallonian town, where the man runs his little furniture shop, is really convincing brought to the screen. But the best scene is the one where he tries to silence his female victim, by cutting her vocal chords. And because he is not a surgeon, this becomes is a bloody & tragic failure. You will never look at the trunk of a car again without thinking of this movie. Some great acting too in this small shocker. His friend (or isn't he?) the local police officer looks a lot like Bud Spencer, but who trusts a cop who smokes a marijuana cigarette? Not an ordinary movie about a weird man in trouble.
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