Review of The Pitts

The Pitts (2003)
They have bad luck? I have the worst luck in the world for watching this
3 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Yet again Fox fails to deliver. This time it was "The Pitts", Fox's attempt at a satire. The show follows the story of a modern American family as they have terrible luck in everyday life. I guess the premise is alright, a family with bad luck struggling through life. The main problem with the show is that it tries way to hard. None of it is believable no matter how hard it tries to make it believable. Yes it was suppose to be a comedy series but still none of it made any sense.

The cast isn't that bad when you look at it. Dylan Baker is a very good actor and I've liked him in a lot of stuff but in The Pitts he is terrible. Kellie Waymire (bless her soul) is equally as bad with their children not doing much better. The supporting cast around the family made me think that the producers possibly just pulled random people off the street and tried to make them do comedy. It has some of the worst acting in a cumulative way that I have ever seen for a show.

Fox made a series mistake ever deciding to green light this project. Each episode was terrificly bad in its own way. The episode with the VW bus wanting to literally marry Lizzy Caplan's character stands out to me as one of the worst experiences of watching TV I have ever had. I seriously sat stunned that I had just watched the whole thing afterwards and didn't move for at least 20 minutes after. It was probably the biggest waste of time of my entire life. Trust me, if a re-run ever comes on TV run. Don't think about it, just run from your living room and don't come back for about an hour. Trust me you'll save an hour of your life.

.5/5 Stars
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