It is great fun
15 June 2007
I really liked it. Of course I haven't really seen it on TV, I have just attended the taping of the last five episodes. It is tightly written and the jokes are good. The jokes are topical and the skits work.

The individuals who criticize the show are bitter leftists who criticize it because it is conservative. Almost all of the jokes are aimed at the left and the politically correct beliefs of the left. It is fun to see the left parodied and made fun of. The acting is good and the entire integration of the show works. It is filmed in front of a live audience and although we are given cues as to when to laugh the show is quite funny and we would laugh regardless.

If you compare this show to Saturday Night Live it is certainly better than that show over the last five or six years. It is not a good as the early SNL, but the format simply doesn't work. A phony news still has to do news.

We were also doing separate jokes on Paris Hilton being released from jail and her being remanded. In editing one set of jokes was selected.
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