Big Bad Wolf (2006)
Big Bad Wolf
15 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Derek(Trevor Duke)really wants to make a fraternity so he gets a duplicate key made for his step-father's cabin and allows some college students(two dudes and their chicks)to hang out there to booze and have sex. He really doesn't fit in with them and begs a biker chick/female mechanic Sam(metal-faced Kimberly J Brown), a friend from high school he carries a torch for, to come with him. That night, when they finally make it to the cabin, all but Derek and Sam are ripped apart by a blood-thirsty, werewolf who can talk human and cracks wise! What's even worse is that Derek finds out his step-dad, Mitch Toblat(Richard Tyson, not the greatest actor but at times, in this role, quite menacing)might very well be the werewolf that attacked the university kids that night. When Uncle Charlie(Christopher Shyer)tells Derek about how his father REALLY died(he was told by mama that he perished in a "hunting accident", but we see in the opening that it's a massive werewolf), Sam aides him by trying to seduce Mitch so that they can collect DNA samples from his hair..she's able to do so, but it has to be from his nether region! Meanwhile, Derek wishes for his mom to escape a verbally abusive marriage while gaining some guts of his own. When often confronting Mitch, it's clear he's just too weak, both mentally and physically. I mean he's kind of a prissy, puny pretty-boy who depended on the more butch Sam to fight his battles in school(..if you watch this film, they are paired through the screenplay to wind up as a couple, but both look as if they need to come out of the's kind of a joke in itself). When Mitch wises to their scheming, he'll aim to silence Derek, Sam & Charlie if it means his werewolf secret will remain hidden.

At times, this B-movie is pretty decent, but it often shifts gears from serious terror tale to outrageous monster movie. A werewolf tossing quips, forces it anally on one helpless female, doesn't waste possible tattletales in Derek and Sam right away, plus hearing him speak face-to-face with victims seems awfully awkward. Yet, in the middle of the film, it takes a more serious tone. I couldn't really get a grip on where the director wanted to go with it. The werewolf costume, at times, almost drew chuckles from me instead of gasps and the supposed pairing of a feminine, girlish Derek and butch, beer-swilling, foul-mouthed Sam seems quite far-fetched and unreasonable. He's too much of a sissy..she'd chew a guy like him up and spit poor Derek out. And, the idea he'd really stand a chance against Mitch in werewolf form, when he gulps as the human step-dad approaches him is a bit of a stretch as well. And, the kids who get picked off at the end was merely put in the flick so that we could see more fresh meat for the werewolf. I'm sure many will appreciate that, but it rather detracts from the suspenseful show-down between Derek and Mitch quite a bit. The flick really is quite a howler.
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