Isolation (2005)
Goremongral's Cow Slaying Review: Isolation
9 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When scientists start messing with bigger and faster ways to create things there is bound to be aftershocks. That's why the horror and sci-fi community are always there to pick up on these things and make an outlandish as possible scenario out of these experiments. Such is the case with Isolation a film that actually breaks the generic mold and becomes a very darkly toned film that is rarely seen by todays audiences.

Isolation tells the tale of a cow farmer who has decided to take part in an undisclosed experiment on his own livestock. After the bizarre set of events that surrounds the birth of the first calf and its odd character traits, the farmer knows that things just aren't right. Shortly after things begin to get even more bizarre as the calf is found to be born already pregnant to what appear to be very odd looking parasitic creatures. One of which survives and begins to cause chaos on all those that come in contact with it.

There are some very positive things going on in this one first, the mood. This movie never breaks stride and stays serious the entire way through. In todays horror for some reason there is always a "need" to add humor. I have always disagreed with this pointing out classics as "The Thing" and "Alien" as facts to support my beliefs. This movie even solidifies it more as if this movie would have played out any other way it would have been a dumped down Eco-horror.

Credit goes to the writing and directing on this one also as from start to finish the film never tries to explain everything at once but slowly, in layers until the final scene. In the beginning the movie gives you a feeling of "what the heck is going on here" even knowing before hand what the general premise is, that is saying something. It's nice to see a film not dumbed down to make everything clear right away but yet coming full circle in explaining its what's and why's. See my Calvaire review for the exact opposite of this.

If there was any complaints from me it would be the creature design. I know the creature is to be some sort of genetic parasite but its design is a rather confusing mess looking a lot like a cow turned inside out and an insect. The good thing in this case is the creature is not shown a lot. In a normal situation or monster flick that would be a strike against it but this movie works so well that showing a mediocre monster design too much could have ruined the vibe of the film.

In the end this is a solid serious monster/Eco-horror film. I really look forward to the director Billy O'Brien's next project. Hoping that it is Horror as he understands that keeping it serious is a must for good suspense. With elements of The Thing, Alien and The Hidden sprinkled in for good measure you really cannot go wrong here and if your of fan of said films I really cannot see at least giving this one a rental as it is well worth it.

Other than a few very slight lulls and the questionable creature design I really cannot find much to fault this movie for and I give it the score of: 7/10: Solid Serious Horror here!!! A definite watch and for some a purchase. They don't make them like this too much now-a-days so scarf this one up and have fun!!!
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