Review of 41

41 (2007)
This film is one of the best documentaries I have seen...
7 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
While I have not yet had the chance to experience 41 on the big screen, I have seen the film and it is one of the most moving 1hr and 57 minutes of film-making out there today.With the source material of David Kane's book, "41 Signs of Hope", Co-directors Christian De Rezendes and Christian O'Neill have crafted not only a visual poetic testimonial dedicated to the life and music of 18yr. old Nick O'Neill, the youngest victim of the Station Nightclub Fire but also a document into the aspects of the afterlife, about how the number 41 is still occurring to this day ( and in the aspects of Nick's life; you have to see the film to see what I am referring too; no spoilers here! ) in the lives of a family that was struck with tragedy on Feb. 20, 2003. The film does not try to preach to the audience but rather, it incorporates it's message of hope through interviews and physical pictures/documents with the family and friends of Nick.

It has been almost 5 years now since the fire occurred. Mr. Kane's book and this film have inspired myself ( a Tennessee resident ) to become a full supporter of this film and also the Station Fire Memorial Foundation and the Station Fire Family Fund. I hope that this film inspires others across the country not to forget the 100 that lost their lives and the survivors and all of the families affected by the tragedy of 2-20-03. I only wish I lived closer to help out more....

UPDATE: On 10-28-07, I finally got the opportunity to see 41 on the big screen at the Stadium Theater; The Stadium Theater played a very important part in the life of Nick O"Neill, as it was where he acted and sang in several musicals. I was still moved to tears during the screening of this film and by some of the healing that occurred after the film's conclusion. 41 is the best film of 2007, by far..
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