Torchwood (2006–2011)
A dark gritty spin-off with emotionally and sexually confused characters....but...!
10 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
After finishing season 3 of "doctor who" and seeing the trailer for the upcoming spin-off of an organization that deals in investigating and eliminating alien, and supernatural treats called, "Torchwood" i was happy hoping that the spin-off might just be more adventurous and action-filled as like The doctor's quest...i was half right and half mistaken and at all the while the end result after watching half of the first season was me looking at friend and saying, "The last hope of mankind is in the hands of mentally confused and sexually disturbed heroes." Like i said, "Torchwood" is a dark gritty spin-off of the long running epic of "Doctor who" so in this case you can't walk into this show thinking its going to carry the same feel as that of its counterpart cause you will be sadly disappoint but all the while still feel compelled to watch and hope that this show will get better. Some of the show's saving graces is that two episodes that nearly connects to the Doctor who series like, "Cyberwoman" and even Jack's mention of an organization called, "UNIT" (for those that don't know you might want to check out the VERY original Dr. who i believe the one with tom baker as The doctor). all the while the premise of this show is pretty much what we want...SEX, MORE SEX, and of course violence; but as i was watching half of the first season they emphasized A lot of homosexuality and even the thought of lesbianism...not that its a bad thing to see two woman kiss and all; but DAMN every episode!!?

let's get into the character you have the female cop who never used her gun a day in her life suddenly becomes a liaison for torchwood, here's the kicker she is sleeping with one of the members but stays with her live in boyfriend...all the while there's a possible hint of her attraction to the main leader the hero Jack harkness who was a companion to the doctor in the counterpart but lets not get started with him for there's a lot of questions about his sexuality as well (watch a couple of episodes and you'll see what i mean), you have the technical computer genius Toshiko (who is very sexy to me) wants so badly to be in love at the same time saving the world she sleep with the first woman she sees who's' an alien i mean what gives? and finally you got the also questionable male somewhat doctor owen, who might go both ways but i might be wrong. In the end each character does undermine the leader's decision, goes behind his back, sleep with each other (which has a different question as far as professionalism is concern), and nearly get the rest of the team killed and what does jack them a slap on the hand and call it a night (ex. the episode Cyberwoman and Greek give gifts). sometimes i just want to say, "These guys nearly got you and your team compromised what the HELL are you thinking!!?"

Reagarless of the stranger than usual story lines and plots, the show's dark edgy approach can somewhat keep the show going but every now and then there are some points that makes no sense along side the confusing heroes. It feels like the X-files but without the very stern group...there are some occasions you just want to slap one of these guys on the head (Or shoot them) cause they are so easily distracted or manipulated in some form; the only person that keeps a cool head is the now immortal Jack and place my bets on him than the rest of the team. Another gripe is the feel of the torchwood team..there should be more of them i mean add a little bit more culture as well as people than just keeping the stereotypes that i feel is placed in there; hey i would like to see an African-American dude that had military background or something or maybe someone from an alternate time-line that was connected to the doctor in some form anything to make this show and Doctor who connect on a level that keeps watchers interested.

But honestly, I think Toshiko is hot even though she's falls along side the rest of the group, laddened, confused, and jumps into bed with the first alien that notice them.
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