Review of Gunga Din

Gunga Din (1939)
Pure Rubbish!
11 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Pure Rubbish! Hmmm, good little native boy Gunga Din, played by an old man Sam Jaffe, emulates his masters who have invaded his country and are oppressing the people, raping the women and stealing the natural resources. Of course he wants to be "JUST LIKE THEM". The thuggees are actually the brave Indians fighting the British oppressors but are portrayed as madmen with wild eyes. Oh, so smart, Gunga Din gets himself killed helping the oppressors but they all live. Oh my, what a movie. How great.

Times have changed to the point that the conflicts and the way they were fought seemed so unsophisticated as to appear foolish. Imagine a battery of soldiers approaching the enemy with bag pipe, drums and singing announcing their approach. One has to appreciate the romance of a historical nature at a time when militarism, obedience, brainwashing and the stupid love of country were the motivation for endangering one's life. That aspect is idiotic and unrealistic. But the British were so noble in their pursuits.

This is one of those movies that gets a lot of credit for an average idea. The problem with this movie is the poor execution. The timing, editing, directing, acting, and writing just don't deliver. In particular, the script just doesn't fit the action or the mood of what's happening on screen. Its beyond idiotic, but that was Hollywood at the time, run by wealthy white men who manufactured junk like this.

I really can't imagine any intelligent person enjoying this rubbish.
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