A truly bad film that's one of biggest train wrecks you can't miss.
20 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Friday the 13th V among fans has gone down as the worst of the series because of the absence of Jason. Although this film is very bad it's just that what makes it so dam good. The story starts out with a cameo appearance by Cory Feldman playing Tommy Jarvis but it turns out this is only a dream and he wakes up. Tommy (Shepherd) now older, not sure how old and in great shape, is being sent to a halfway house for mental patients, I'm guessing around the area of Crystal Lake. As you go further in, this movie gets worse by the minute. Soon we are introduced to some characters, some retarded kids and the best being a mother and son pair of hillbillies that live in the area and hate the retarded kids who live there. They are by far the best part of this film. Apparently all the kids are on the honor system to be good and not misbehave. So a nut like this guy Vick, a patient there is allowed to chop wood with a large ax….yea I'll buy that. Not surprising a fat mentally challenged boy named Joey offers Vick a candy bar and is denied and hacked to pieces. So one of the paramedics seems to be sickened by the scene, while the other seems to enjoy the carnage. A medic? Soon after we start to see the body count rise. But who is doing that's the big mystery. As if one couldn't figure it out. The local sheriff, who is a complete joke and can't act, proclaims it's Jason who has been dead for some time. OH MY it gets better. Let's see Jason really kills a lot of people in this, most deserving it. Some memorable kills would be the road flare, the belt, hedge clippers, motorcycle beheading, and of course the outhouse. Eventually Jason kills off most of the mental patients and we're left with one of the watchers Pam and a black kid named Reggie (Ross), one of the few bright spots of the movie. So of course Jason attempts to kill them, while Reggie continues to scream like a high pitched girl….one of the funniest parts in the film. So some how Jason manages to catch up with them even though their running and he's not. Stupid! Soon they get to a barn, Reggie manages to drive a back ho into him, though he gets up and pursues. But now Tommy comes out of no where and confronts him, a struggle ensues Tommy gets whipped but they all team up on Jason sending him on to some sharp farm equipment. Now we find out that it was not Jason but a guy named Roy the medic, who son was apparently Billy and he when nuts when he saw him slaughtered. The ending is truly bad, showing Tommy taking over the role of Jason. Bad ending. Bad film.

OK there's no question this film is bad. But this film is so funny for so many reasons. The acting is horrendous even more so than usual in these films, but since I don't watch a Friday movie for acting who really cares right? The story is bad but not as much as the Friday fans will tell you. Who cares if Jason is not in the movie? He wasn't really in the original either and if you know anything about mass murders there often is a copy cat killer, so cool it people. But it's easy to tell who the killer is so that part of the story is stupid. There are so many funny parts in this film….let me review and laugh. 1. As stated before why would a place for mental patients allow one of them to have an ax? Not just one, but one who obviously has a few anger management problems and looks like he wants to kill you. 2. The medic's scene is stupid. How many medics would actually get a kick out of coming to a gruesome scene where a boy was just hacked to pieces? As the one says "get your hands dirty" I think not. 3. What's up with the greasers who come out of no where just to be killed? Apparently if you follow the time line of the movies, this film takes place in the 90's and even in the 80's 2 greasers would have been totally out of place. Can you say happy days? 4. I love the part when the playboy takes one of Tommy's masks and he slams the cream puff (so would I). 5. Of course the hillbillies are the best part and the vagrant visitor who is just looking to fill his stomach and Ethel is nice enough to feed him if he cleans the crap out behind the chicken coup. 6. What about Demon (Miguel Núñez Jr)? Anything this guy has been in is at least funny…street fighter anyone? "Oh those dam enchiladas LOL then gets killed in the outhouse after singing with his woman. 7. Possibly the best part in the film, "he hurt me ma!" and the true retard gets beheaded on his motorcycle while his mother makes his stew (flavor added). 8 Watch the greatest shoot down in history when Robin shoots down Jake stuttering about who asks her to make love to him. LOL down in flames. 9. Who could forget watching Reggie get chased by Jason and screaming like a girl. 10. One of the dumbest things about this film is how Jason walks around while they run and yet he catches them. Soooooo stupid! OK so yes this will go down as the Halloween 3 and Nightmare 2 of the series, but if you can't laugh at how bad this film is your not gonna laugh at much. As a Friday movie this is bad, and basically this one big goof, but I have to give it a 6 for being so dam funny.
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