An Unconvincing Theory
22 August 2007
I admit I was skeptical of the global warming "crisis" previous to seeing this film. However, before actually plastering a "Stop Global Whining" bumper-sticker on my car, I felt like I had a responsibility to at least see this film. After all it won an academy- award, right? Maybe my skepticism was misguided and spending a couple hours with Al Gore would straighten me out.

Actually, I really did try to view this film with an open mind (and probably had more of one than those who see it already convinced that man-made global warming is real). I even admit to being afraid of what the film might show me. After all, it won an academy-award, right? Hollywood royalty gave Al Gore a standing ovation that night. It must be brilliant!

The truth is, I couldn't believe how BAD this film was. I was shocked, in fact. At the least, I expected something to grapple with and arguments that would challenge me. I did not expect the most prominent (and just about the only) source quoted to be Al's high school science teacher who had a few theories. Then, since Al didn't quote sources during the film, I expected the extras in the DVD to contain them; wrong-- they don't; they merely contain commentaries from the producers and the director (Hmmmmm. . . I wonder what those are like?), and--low and behold--more comments from Al; what a bonus! The before/after shots of melting glaciers went by so quickly that I barely saw them (perhaps I was supposed to be simply horrified by the notion that . . . oh my god . . . ice melts!!!!) And the many shots of Al Gore frowning out the windows of (no-doubt private) airplanes and (no-doubt solo) taxi-cabs made me laugh out loud and spew my beer across the room. But thankfully the moody electronic music in the background let me know that this movie was serious and gravely important. No beer spewing and certainly no popcorn mastication allowed. Attention must be paid!

B.S! Put up better arguments, quote your sources, engage in debates with some of the many scientists who disagree with your conclusions, and maybe I'll pay attention. As far as this lame piece of propaganda: I recommend it to those who want to swill beer, eat popcorn and have a good laugh. The next morning, the "Stop Global Whining" bumper-sticker went on my vehicle. Until Chicken Little can make a few decent arguments, I'm not buying in.
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