M*A*S*H: Henry, Please Come Home (1972)
Season 1, Episode 9
The Turning Point!!
22 August 2007
Captains Pierce and McIntyre had just finished ten hours of surgery at the start of this episode titled -- "Henry, Please Come Home." Corporal O'Reilly was about to speak directly at Lieutenant Colonel Henry Blake about something important. Obviously, Henry Blake told Walter O'Reilly not to interrupt his conversation while speaking to the surgeons unless he obtained a letter from General Hammond.

Henry Blake received a letter from General Hammond. The M*A*S*H 4077th received a ninety-seven percent efficiency rating for work done in surgery to mend the wounded soldiers in the Korean War. General Hammond had a special citation -- a fourth class medal -- pinned on Henry Blake's surgical gown. Little did they know Major Burns would take over the unit; Henry Blake was reassigned to Tokyo as instructed under General Hammond's orders.

Major Burns immediately laid down the law at the M*A*S*H 4077th. He told Corporal O'Reilly to straighten up the office in one hundred percent ship shape. Everyone was forced to participate in activities like morning exercise, inspections, bed checks, and latrine digging duties while he ran the unit. Eventually, Captains Pierce and McIntyre sneak in to Tokyo to see Henry Blake. Corporal O'Reilly was faking a four o'clock barfing ... all in order to have Henry Blake home. Major Burns's demeanor turned into disgust when he would not become the Commanding Officer ... that was after Henry Blake found out the emergency was a ploy to get off Major Burns's back. Funny Episode!! A Solid 9!!
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