Review of Halloween

Halloween (2007)
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse it did
28 August 2007
I saw the work print and the only really difference is that in the final cut they removed the rape scene, tacked on a little more blood, and changed the ending. Regardless of what they do "more blood" won't make this movie any less awful than it already is.

So it starts off with the young Michael Myers who is a fat, ugly, spoiled brat with not one likable trait. His mom is a striper, his dad is a drunken sob, his sister is a slut. And yes, that is as deep as his family gets. It's like Rob Zombie just watched Jerry Springer and took notes. Every character in this movie aside from Dr. Loomis, Michael's mom, and Laurie have very little dialogue and there is little to no character development. Everyone in this movie was written as a one note stereotype without any likable features. It's all promiscuous women, sex obsessed men, white trash, preps, and that's really it.

So you have a cast of people that you are never even given a reason to care about and you just wait for them to die. Also there is no suspense in the whole movie. You see Michael first and then you see someone put them self in a vulnerable situation minutes in advance. You always get a heads up way in advance before anything happens. When someone does die the kills are very lame like he just does the same 3 kills over and over again and it's mainly just stabbing or beating someone over and over and usually after the first strike the rest is either off screen or the camera is running all over place so you can't even tell what your looking at.

The music was very misused. In the original Halloween you can have a camera walk up stairs in the dark and then edit in the Halloween theme and it becomes creepy, here it's like they just used the old Halloween music at random and didn't even bother trying to make it add any tension. There are also some various classic rock songs that show up for no reason other than to say this is set in the late 70's.

The story is very boring and just drags on and on. The so called back story of Myers is that he was an obnoxious kid who could somehow over power and kill people a lot bigger than him. Instead of him stealing his mask from a store he kills a guy who was on screen for less than 5 minutes and takes the mask from him. Also as a kid he talks but then after demanding to be let out of the mental hospital and being turned down after asking 3 times in a row he never speaks ever again. The first 30 minutes or so are just him as a kid. Laurie doesn't show up until about the 2nd half of the movie and she just isn't even the slightest bit likable or charismatic. Also Dr. Loomis is very sympathetic for young Myers even when he stops talking but after the 15 years later gap he is convinced that Myers is the Devil in the flesh and must be stopped at all costs, they never really explain that plot hole.

So all you get are people who are disposable and only there as props for Michael Myers. In the original Halloween it was about the characters and John Carpenter said that Myers was little more than a prop to get the story across. So this remake just went in the complete opposite of the original. I really wanted to enjoy this movie but 5 minutes into I knew it was awful and I still sat through this mess and it only got worse. Somehow it's worse than Halloween 3-8, I don't how thats possible but it is. Do NOT waste your money on this movie, even if you can get a free pass just see something else. This movie doesn't have one redeeming quality and is a slap in the face to the entire horror genre. Do yourself a favor and rent the original Halloween.
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