Another lame over hyped attempt at horror by Eli Roth
3 September 2007
I really never understood all the hype for Eli Roth. Cabin Fever wasn't a very good movie and Hostel was just a total bore. I saw Hostel twice and kept an open mind but it's 90% talk and when someone does die you don't see very much, and what you do see looks incredibly fake. So is Hostel 2 much better? Kind of.

So the characters aren't very interesting. Pretty shallow too, there is the main woman who is the better of the group, her slutty drunk of a friend, and the ultra winy friend who you would be tempted to kill too. It's almost like they just want you to see them die because they annoy you so much and give nothing back to redeem themselves. Then you have the people who are paying to kill these people, you get to see them and learn more about the kind of people who would pay over 60 thousand dollars to kill a stranger. But they aren't that interesting and very predictable.

There isn't any real tension in the "will she escape alive" area of the movie, you already know that if someone is being chased then they will just end up in the killing place. Everything is extremely predictable and they never try to do anything you wouldn't expect. Also the pacing is just as bad as the first Hostel, there is one off screen kill early on and one very bloody yet not particularly gruesome kill in the first hour. Not much happens until near the end of the movie just like part one. The kills are mostly very over the top, it's like the movie tries to take itself so dead serious but they use kills that would look too stupid for a Troma movie.

Also like Hostel 1 there is so much build up for the kills and then you don't get much out of it. Lots of really fast movements so you can barely tell what just happened, very hokey effects, unrealistic kills, and very bland torture scenes. Why not at least try and shock the viewer. OK so if someone is going to pay 80% to kill an American woman don't you think he would be sick enough to force himself on her before he kills her? And why is it that in both movies they have really stupid annoying kids that aren't really there for a reason. Why don't they kidnap children and have people pay twice as much to kill little kids? They have the opportunity to shock, offend, and disgust the viewer but they decide to take everything very soft and hype everything up. I wasn't expecting Cannibal Holocaust or anything but at least if you promise to have such a shocking movie style that the media calls "torture porn" then at least attempt to back it up. It's like going to a restaurant and seeing the thickest, juiciest, most tender steak you've ever seen so you order it and get a flat McDonald's looking hamburger pattie instead.

The movie is just boring and the kills just aren't even shocking. It's like they're hyping it to be like the main stream equivalent to August Underground's Mordum when it's really the most tame horror movie imaginable with the biggest hype and build up that they can buy. It's all sizzle and no steak. Eli Roth just seems like Uwe Boll with more credibility.
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