Review of The Evading

The Evading (2007 Video)
An hour and 40 minutes of your life you'll never get back
17 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Normally I wouldn't bother writing a 'review' on a film as I believe that people's opinions on films are all subjective and as such I tend not to take a great deal of notice of them. But I felt simply compelled to warn the rest of the human race about this desperate attempt at 'filmmaking' (?!?!).

To summarise this film contains the worst dialogue I've had the misfortune to hear (this film elevates American Pie to almost Dickens levels), the most plastic, tepid cast probably ever assembled in the history of mankind, the (mis) direction is appalling with the 'film' staggering from one ill-advised scene to another, the 'time frame' camera-work is, being kind, nauseous and the storyline is completely non-existent and as for the plot 'twist' it's something that young children have doing for years when they've written a story and suddenly realised they have absolutely no idea of how they're going to end it. With the only difference that a story from a 3 year old may at least be entertaining.

All in all I fail to believe that there are poorer films than this diabolical trash.

There really should be some law against producing such drivel.
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