Good old Uwe stays true to form
12 September 2007
I was feeling down in the dumps so decided to watch one of Uwe's latest offerings. Not the greatest idea I know but it was my thinking that nothing could make me feel worse.....should have known better.

We all love to hate Uwe. Let's face it, he makes pretty awful films but manages to get funding for more and half decent well known actors. Even though he makes awful films we all still watch them. Why? Well I for one keep watching them in the hope that one day that just one of his films will be good. I mean how long can you go without learning from your mistakes? How long can studios go before they figure out they are just wasting money? Only time will tell.

I've seen all his films bar some of the recent stuff (that one with Jason Statham and Postal). I have seen the first Bloodrayne. I don't follow the games nor understand some of the characters.....even if I did, it wouldn't make the film any better.

You don't need to know the's a Uwe Boll film....which says it all. Needless to say it's pretty crap. The thing that struck me though was how cheap this film looked. Never have I seen a Uwe film looking so low grade (did I say that!). At least his other films had fairly good production values. Everything in this screamed indie or low budget. The costumes, sound effects, camera shots, make up, props, actors....the whole lot.

As a previous poster has mentioned, the camera was all over the show. It wasn't even NYPD Blue good, it was like the cameraman was holding the camera with one hand whilst god knows what with the other.

If you can take the pain that is Uwe and have that twisted, perverted NEED to see anther of his me....then go for it. You know deep down though what to expect.
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