Catch and Release (II) (2006)
A bunch of seriously emotionally repressed/stunted adults living in Boulder, CO
7 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
If this movie had been classified as a dark satire, I think I would have been less disturbed. I've read a number of critiques about the acting, the direction, the odd casting, but this movie is horrible because of the complete lack of honesty in any of its characters. And yet it is so sincere in its direction, it scares me to think people actually think behavior like this is acceptable or healthy. Either the characters have the repression skills of a psychotic or there is a sequel which will display the emotional fallout. And yet, I've read no review where anyone has a problem with this. Let me break it down (and again, many spoilers are in this review - although how can you spoil such a rotten movie). Opening: Jennifer Garner's character, Gray Steele, attends her fiancé's funeral instead of their wedding (he died in a boating accident). During the funeral, she catches one of his best friends sleeping with the caterer (classy). Next phase, she's struggling for money so she moves in with another 2 of her fiancé's best friends. And of course, the one who slept with the caterer happens to be crashing there as well (hmmmm - wonder where this is headed). Next phase, Gray discovers the secret life of her fiancé - he had tons of money squirreled away, he's been having an affair with a bimbo in LA (no one calls her that but she is obviously portrayed as such - geez, why else would they cast Juliette Lewis), and he's been giving this woman money to raise the 4 year old boy whom she claims is his son. Next phase, one of the best friend's tries to kill himself by swigging a bottle of vodka and sleeping pills. Next phase, Gray and the sleazy best friend (caterer dude) end up sleeping with each other and, I guess, begin falling in love. Next phase, another best friend confesses his love to Gray - a love he's been harboring for years. And of course she rejects him because she's banging another best friend. And through all this, Jennifer's character is calm and poised. Sure there are a few tears, but no anger or rage - and it's presented as a good thing! It freakin' gave me the creeps - I kept waiting for her to snap. Especially when her to-be mother-in-law asked for the engagement ring back or when same mother-in-law accused her son's affair as being Gray's fault. What?! Later Gray also overhears the bimbo saying in her oh-so-bubbly manner that basically Gray was so perfect, her boyfriend acted like it was a vacation when he was away from her. And what is Gray's response? "Well, I steal library books . . ." during some freakish dinner they all have together. I guess to 'make peace' or something. And in the end, Gray goes after sleazy best friend, everyone's happy and moving on. Perhaps all the anger and rage was being dealt with - but if you want your characters to appear to have resolved these things, we need to see them dealing with it. Otherwise, the river in Egypt happens to be flowing pretty strong through Boulder.
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