Nothing special...
18 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Don't be fooled by all the BS positive reviews. A movie can't be released these days without 10000 liars coming on here to tell us how incredible and perfect the film is. This film is not special, it is a Josh Hartnett extravaganza of stupidity. The film, which started great and admittedly had good cinematography fell so quickly into stupid cliché's that I could not help but roll my eyes. I know they were simply following the "groundbreaking" graphic novel, I guess my real question is what is so groundbreaking about a story filled with every vampire cliché there is. With enough stupid good guys to sate anyones bloodlust. (the idiots wait for 26 of the 30 days and then attempt to go "fight" the vampires) Even worse is the acting, which, when they finally get away from the ridiculous excessive blood is so awful that it makes me wish the good guys would hurry up and die. Yes this movie somehow manages to be SLOW to the point where i was BORED by the end of it. Those who hail this as a modern classic are LIEING to you... This movie is a gorefest without even a single scare. Perhaps 12 year old girls would find this movie frightening but i have trouble imagining anyone else releasing even a shiver were it not from laughter.

*HUGE SPOILER* This should convince you not to go...

Yes the graphic novels ending was absolutely RETARDED! Josh Hartnett infects himself with vampirism to safe his idiot girlfriend who ran off to go help some kid we NEVER saw before and so Hartnett the hero goes to confront the lead vampire... gets his ass kicked for about 10 minutes before dispatching the leader with a single punch through the head. Thats right, that is how dumb the ending is... oh wait thats not all... The two lead characters sit and watch the sunrise while Hartnett turns to ash and his girlfriend cries. When your stealing from Blade 2 you know your vampire movie is SCREWED!
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