The Evading (2007 Video)
It's terrifying...
28 October 2007
...just how much a movie can disappoint.

I had read a mixed bag of reviews on The Evading before watching. There seems to be a large divide of those who love it and those who hate it so as I began to watch I tried to forget everything I had read and judge it totally of my own mind.

First of all we'll deal with the acting, it was terrible. I'm being serious when I say it made me cringe in some parts. Especially from the main character Josh Carter (Eric Stevens). However don't let me throw you any by singling him out, he was just the grubbiest piece of coal in what turned out to be...well, a huge pile of coal. No diamonds here I'm afraid.

The script was bad, the camera work was worse and story verged on the edge of ridiculous for the most part then took a huge plunge to the abyss of idiocy with an ending that made me want to whisk my own brains with a rusty spoon.

The only reason this 'movie' gets a 3 rather than a 1 is for the sole reason that I did like the idea behind it. It's just a shame how poorly it was all pulled off in the end.
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