The Twilight Zone: Night Call (1964)
Season 5, Episode 19
Have a Heart Mr Serling
2 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"Night Call" is one of those stories which is more like a "Tales From the Crypt".There was an old lonely woman who has lived in denial of her old boyfriend's death just before being married many, many years ago.

She became a very lonely woman who has denied herself of one moment of happiness her entire life. Suddenly(after being confined to a bed and wheelchair)she gets a phone call (actually a series of calls). The only problem is that its late at night and the caller only breathes in the telephone. This person would not identify themselves but the calls seem urgent. She thinks they are prank and asks the telephone company to investigate (If she only had CALLER ID huh?)They tell her a Cable wire from an electrical storm snapped and fell/somehow penetrates her old boyfriends grave.Her dead boyfriend is calling her from his gravesite

Now she can't WAIT for the call because she wanted to talk to him (in whatever way or form)and it would put an end to all this suffering. The call does come but the caller changes his mind and indicates that"you asked me not to call you anymore and I always do what you ask". The old woman knows she'll never get a call from him again and the last shot has her weeping in bed OK.Fine. It was a bit of a downer but in his closing remarks Serling surmised that this woman "made her own bed and now must lie in it" Come on Rod!! Would anyone in the world act any differently if they were getting calls all the time late at night with the person never identifying themselves? If she knew those calls were from a person she loved she would have reacted differently and she must of said "who is this" a god awful number of times.The episode had a chill and was very well acted and I truly felt bad for the woman in the end but for one of the very FEW times Serling's closing remarks were completely heartless. Maybe there is a"Poetic Justice" element here but this woman deserves all the pity in the world and Rod was a little to harsh on her on this one.
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