Nightmare Asylum (1992 Video)
I guess it is gross, but it is BAD too
4 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is a regular video movie... not a film. Pure VHS camcorder. Yes there is obvious hamburger meat, and really weird deaths (one includes a mouse-trap, and most involve power tools). This film is actually available on DVD via the Decrepit Crypt of Nightmares 50 Movie Pack. The whole thing looks like someone had a High School haunted house set available and decided to film in it (or an actual low quality wax museum... there is a wax dummies that are obviously based on Hellraiser, Child's Play and The Exorcist sitting in there). For Gorehounds, there are some Chainsaw Massacre moments, and Wizard of Gore-esquire moments... but that is giving this film WAY too much credit There are some gross out moments. Way too much yelling, and not enough terror. There are some cool cheesy 80's synthesizer score moments (totally ruined by amateur Halloween make-up). The credits will show you that the film makers did not take themselves seriously. Overall:

Really Bad acting (trying not to laugh, and sometimes trying to be humorous). Most looks like a Junior High stage production.

Not funny Bad.

Just Bad.

Really bad acting.

No nudity (a silky camisole is all you get).

"Special effects" include a Strobe Light, and the previously mentioned Hamburger (plus Spaghetti and Liver)!

**Possible spoiler*** Oh, I have to say something positive.... um, I liked the door opening sequence at the end, with its interesting camera angles... but the cheesy dream within a dream thing was, well, cheesy... but not good, fun cheesy. ***End Spoiler***

I wrote this while I watched the film... and it was filmed in a "Haunted House" called "The Devil's Dark Side Haunted House".

2 stars, for the interesting door opening sequence. Thanks!
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