Deadwood Park (2007)
Decent "Friday Fright Night" rental, improvement on the overall quality could've made this a big hit (SPOILER)
10 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'm just an average citizen, who loves horror movies, as well as action, thrillers and some drama. Positive opinions 1st, then I'll list the negative:

The basic storyline was good. I really liked how the writer mixed horror with mystery. I've seen other films that mix genres, and do a terrible job, or are just boring, because they're just the same old story. I thought this one was pretty original. The way the different time periods were mixed in was very good, much the same as "Highlander" worked. Although it seemed supernatural at first, the viewer will still wonder if that part is true, since the murders had not continued (at least until the truth is revealed near the end)

Camera work was pretty good. The overall acting was acceptable for this type of genre; Maybe with a few tweaks and better direction, the viewer would be so riveted in the show, that other aspects, such as the scare scenes would provoke more feelings of fright, than I felt, when I watched this. I did think Lane did a very good job, though some of his dialogue didn't seem to fit the character. I thought Luscri did the best acting in this film. Her character was very believable.

I loved the location, and scenery. I live in Missouri, and many times while watching, I was taken back to my youth. I think the crew did a great job capturing the feel and look of each era presented during the film.

Neutral thoughts: Although the camera work was good, there were several points that I started to lose interest. I don't know what the director was thinking, by not cutting a lot of the scenery shots from the film. It would've kept me more focused on the movie, if that had been done. I don't think it would've hurt the film by cutting 5-10 minutes of just panning shots.

Negative points: As for the acting, as I said, overall it was OK. The main char. could've been much better. But, not being in the movie biz, I can't say whether this facet was due to Clifton's abilities, or if it was the chemistry between the film crew and actors.

I think some of the writing could've been much better, such as making it more believable that Luscri's character would have knowledge and access to all types of evidence and articles, pertaining to the murders. After all, even though she's the sheriff's daughter, it would seem pretty hard to believe that she knows about interviews or evidence that her father had kept secret for over 25 years.

My main disappointments in the movie were: the "scarey" parts. Several times, I started to brace for the main scare in certain scenes, only to be left hanging, or wondering why it wasn't better done. The other part was the evil preacher, even though I loved the idea of how his character evolved. I ended up rolling my eyes, during the fight scene, when he was unable to over-power Jake, after previous points in the fight, where it showed him hurling either Jake or the sheriff into a wall, or across the room with, what I think is an accepted fact of vampyre myth, great strength.

I did enjoy this film, yet I feel that it could have become a very big hit or even a staple in the cult classics world, if either the direction or production were better and some tweaks were done with the script.
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