Secret of the Red Orchid
10 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The lieutenant of a Chicago crime syndicate shot down by rival gangster boss Kerkie Minelli's(Eric Pohlmann)hoods, Gunner Steve(Klaus Kinski)sets up new roots in London and is suspected of blackmailing wealthy aristocrats threatening through the use of mailed letters written in block newspaper/magazine clippings not to report to the police or else. Minelli himself, along with his gangster clan, decide to take up residence in London themselves splitting the city in two. Scotland Yard Inspector Weston(Adrian Hoven)convinces his superiors to join forces with American(!)FBI agent Captain Allerman(Christopher Lee),a cunning investigator who understands the methods of these Chicago crime families and their history offering a brand of expertise needed to take down these hoodlums who have possibly led to the murder of several wealthy citizens already. But, are these crime families really responsible for the blackmailing and murders of those aristocrats? Or, are they merely the perfect cover for another schemer? In an important sub-plot, Lilian Ranger(Marisa Mell)watches with her buffoon butler, Parker(Eddi Aren't, the comedy relief of this crime thriller..a running gag has him labeled the "death butler" for he winds up under the employ of every single aristocrat murdered by the blackmailing killer)as her employer, Elias Tanner(Fritz Rasp)is gunned down by hoods in his own home passing themselves off as Scotland Yard guards. His bachelor nephew, Edwin(Pinkas Braun), one known for being quite the playboy and ne'er-do-well, comes home supposedly from Brazil to hopefully receive an inheritance from his uncle's will. Edwin is known as an orchid hunter/enthusiast and often drops by to see Lilian, even after he finds out that his uncle has left the entire inheritance to her. Can Edwin be trusted? Or, is he possibly secretly plotting something? He always brings a unique orchid for Lilian when he visits her.

To be honest, this crime/gangster thriller is only notable for it's cast, particularly Lee and Kinski. But, they can not save themselves from the rather dull plot or the atrocious dubbing which causes one to wince..whoever was responsible for the voice-work, which is indeed a travesty to listen to, shouldn't have been paid a dime. It's interesting seeing Mell in this before she'd go on to become an icon in Italian cinema. One thing that just drove me bonkers was the way hoods would shoot people and the camera would close in to show that the victims of bullet-fire had no wounds or even a hint of blood..the effect of Minelli's fate, for instance, is ruined because of a close-up showing not the slightest hint of bodily damage. The film itself is rather a bore, I must admit. But, seeing Lee and Kinski opposite each other, even if for just one scene, is quite a thrill. The film's main mystery is practically ruined by the title!
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