Answers many existential questions...
8 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
You will need to watch this movie at least eighteen times before its existential impact will sink in. The movie proves that entropy does indeed increase relentlessly with time. The more you get into the movie, the more you realize that the universe is utterly uncaring and that there is no good nor bad nor is there an intelligence directing anything. Fellini or Wood? What difference does it make? Some high points:

1. You must see the Attack of the Killer Blanky. It proves that evil comes in Orlon as well as brimstone;

2. There is a scene where something happens with a blowtorch. What was it? Was someone injured? Who can say? This scene shows much homage to Antonioni's L'avventura.

3. The movie opens with a long scene of two guys doing kung-fu moves. This sets the tone for the rest of the film, since it bears no relation to anything that happens later. Sartre would have loved it!

4. The characters are completely interchangeable. Since you quickly lose track of who is who and what they are up to, you realize after a while that it does not matter.

I could go on and on, but I am saving the best for my Doctoral dissertation.
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