The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
A Winner in the Classic CBS Tradition
19 January 2008
The network that produced such classic sitcoms in the past as "All in the Family" and "The Munsters" does it again with "The Big Bang Theory," a tremendous success for Chuck Lorre following his drastic failure with "Dharma & Greg".

"BBT" follows the witty and sarcasm-soaked misadventures of Leonard and Sheldon, two socially awkward scientists thrust full-force into standard sitcom story lines-- themes of rejection, friendship, and pride, among others. The important thing is, the standard sitcom story lines feel new for the first time in decades, mainly because the mile-a-minute dialogue now comes with gloriously incomprehensible techno-babble and high-level jargon that could send Kissinger screaming from a room.

It comes down to essentially this. Spot-on writers and directors handle a spot-on cast in spot-on situations. Those of you who are turned off of shows by audience laughter, it adds a much-needed level of reality to this surreally present crowd-pleaser. And when the Writers' Strike ends (still happening as this is being written), fans of great comedy should look forward to much more from this high-potential hit.

Because it all started with the Big Bang.
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