A lively but by-the-numbers film...
8 February 2008
In what is hyped as the first hip-hop Kung Fu movie, Jet Li plays Han, a disgraced Chinese police officer incarcerated in a Hong Kong prison for refusing to spill the beans on his Chinese gangster family. His family have fled to Oakland, California, where they are now engaged in a bitter gang war with Black-American mob family, the O'Days. When Li receives news that his little brother has been murdered, he breaks out of prison and heads to the States to track down his brother's killer etc., etc. Once there he steals a cab, and who should jump in the back but Trish O'Day (who'da figured?) who, like Han, despises her family's criminal activities. When Trish's brother also turns up dead, presumably in a revenge strike against the O'Days, the two team up to find out what's going on. Oh yeah, and there's some big property scam going on with some white guys about buying up waterfront properties to build, of all things, a football stadium. It's pretty much run-of-the-mill-stuff, but as usual, Jet Li's fight scenes, aided by veteran Corey Yuen's choreography, are enormously watchable.

Although not completely unfathomable, the choice of title is an odd one. Okay, we've got two rival families and the son of one family (Li) fancies the daughter of the other (Aaliyah). Fine. A Romeo and Juliet scenario, but if you expect any further Shakespearean allusions, forget it. At no point, unless I missed it, is Li's character referred to as Romeo, and I don't think there is any desire expressed anywhere in the movie that he must die, except maybe in the climactic fight. No-one is even looking for him (except presumably the Chinese Police, though strangely there is no evidence of this either. Nor is it explained how, after breaking out of a Chinese prison, he can just board a plane and fly to, and enter, the United States).

It's a lively but by-the-numbers film, with some VERY obvious wire-work (which Li doesn't need), and is notable only for marking the directorial debut of cinematographer Andrzej Bartkowiak, the cameraman behind SPEED, LETHAL WEAPON 4, and THE DEVIL'S ADVOCATE, and for being Jet Li's first lead role in a US movie following his supporting appearance in LETHAL WEAPON 4. It also introduces a charming X-Ray special effect where we get to see Li's victims' bones breaking. Whoever dreamt that one up needs therapy.

Most touchingly it features the first and only movie appearance by hip-hop star Aaliyah. Undoubtedly talented and beautiful, she shows great promise and screen presence and is the only bright note in the movie. The movie showcases her musical and more than passable acting talents and she even gets involved in a fight scene with Li, who says he cannot hit a girl and uses Aaliyah's limbs to fight a female opponent. Tragically she was killed in a plane crash the following year.
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