The worst 'Lost World' adaptation yet.
27 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
There has never been a proper film adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyal's 'The Lost World' and it looks like there never will be. All have them have been low budget TV or straight to DVD movies. The most credible was the 2001 BBC version. So where do I begin with this little beauty? The acting? You can guess. It was cheesy and B movie'ish' which is exactly what you expect. Its almost like the film makers insist on bad acting to live up to the expectations of people who watch movies like this.

I don't understand people who insist on loads of deaths. Why? The original 'Lost World' didn't have any deaths. But this one is rich in death. Characters are killed off left and right in ludicrous pointless ways. Some characters have so little screen time that when their time comes you are baffled because you have no idea who they are or what the hell they were doing to warrant such a killing. Listening to this is gonna cause your ears to vomit. The music is this horrible constant drone that feels like a sledge hammer headache. There is no accuse for such poor special effects. The monsters look like cartoons and bad cartoons at that. Kong is just bad enough to be funny he looks like something a four or five year old might draw only it would be better. So after reading all this and you still want to watch it go ahead but prepare to be disappointed to the max.
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